

About the city

Egaleo and Greece is in a transition stage with regards to bio-waste management.

0 Mtn

produced in Greece of bio-waste annually, around 1,87 Mtn are landfilled

39500 Tons

of waste per year produced by Egaleo

0 Tons

of bio-waste are collected annualy

Challenges in the use
of soil improvers

  • Recent droughts have left the in dire need for nutrients


  • The city needs parameters and data regarding soil restoration using bio-waste

Challenges in the biowaste collections

  • Regulatory gap, an appropriate framework is required for a sound management of bio-waste


  • Knowledge gap in the public sector regarding bio-waste management


  • Training of professionals is needed


  • Dispenser of paper-biowaste-bags at our collection systems


  • Awareness raising campaigns


  • Demonstrating the benefits of separate biowaste collection


  • Training of citizens & Schools


  • Living Lab’s activities will help solving the problems