
About the city
In 2022, Amsterdam hosted ca. 890.000 citizens in about 450.000 households.
Mln. kg
organic waste is generated by restaurants, food retail, and food manufacturing in the city
Mln. kg
of total biowaste generated by the city
of biowaste is collected and processed separately

(biowaste collection)
- Amsterdam aims at increasing separate kitchen and garden waste collection from the current 1.3% (CBS, 2023) to 73% by 2030.
- One of the main challenges is to raise awareness and to change household behavior, in addition to that, the creation of new spaces for the collection and recycling of biowaste.
- Another challenge is to stimulate the separation of kitchen and garden waste.

(soil improvers)
- The improvement of end-products quality for use in circular food systems, adapting the regulatory framework to allow the use of biowaste as soil improvers
- Raising user acceptance of soil improvers from biowaste
- Overcoming financial and economic challenges of circular biowaste initiatives

- Thanks to Bin2Bean, Amsterdam will develop and test soil improvers from biowaste grinders installed in high-rise buildings.
- Amsterdam aims at multiplying circular biowaste initiatives at the local level, including worm hotels, aerobic composting, anaerobic composting, and mulching (“micro-level”), as well as increasing the flow of industrial compost in large-scale facilities (“macro-level”).